We can help you quit your way
Giving up smoking is not something you have to do on your own.
There’s a free NHS stop smoking service available locally, called Quit Your Way, to help you succeed.
Call the Midlothian office to discuss support options;
0131 537 9914
Stopping smoking is the best thing you can do to improve your health.
Getting the right support is vital
You’re up to four times more likely to stop smoking successfully if you get support from Quit your way and medication.
Talk to your local stop smoking practitioner for FREE support and advice and find the support that’s right for you.
Call the Midlothian office on: 0131 537 9914
or visit the website www.tinyurl.com/qywlothian
There is also a Facebook page - www.facebook.com/NhsLothianQuitYourWay/