Welcome to Eastfield Medical Practice

We are a friendly 5-partner practice based in the Ladywood district of Penicuik. We aim to provide evidence based medical care in a friendly, holistic manner.

We treat all our patients with respect and fairness. Our preferred style is that of the traditional GP practice where the doctors know their patients well. We tend to dress in a relaxed and casual manner, which we hope, makes us more approachable while still maintaining the highest standards of medical practice and efficiency. We hope you will find our consulting style honest, direct and straightforward.


There are increasing demands on our time from paperwork and organisational problems as well as medical care so we are unable to fulfil all the roles that other professionals also do – such as social worker, benefits adviser and paramedical specialists. However we would expect to refer you on to the appropriate professional when necessary.

In registering with this practice, we regard our relationship as a contract whereby we endeavour to provide you with optimum medical care in an efficient and considerate manner. We expect that you, in turn, will help us to do this by using our service appropriately.


The building is fully compliant with disability access requirements. It is fitted with electronic doors that are operated manually, has ramp access and the consulting rooms are all located on the ground floor. We have several disabled car parking spaces adjacent to the start of the path to the main building. You don’t need a disabled badge to use these if you are unwell but please use them only if you genuinely need to.



    MBChB (1993 Edin) DRCOG

    I left Northern Ireland to attend Edinburgh Medical School over 20 years ago. I have worked in Lothian, Fife the Borders and as far away as Dunbartonshire. I was trained in General Practice by Doctor Fraser at Eastfield and never really left. I became a partner in 2002 when my oldest son was 5 weeks old! I enjoy all aspects of general practice and visit Aaron Care Home on a weekly basis.


    (1991 Dundee) MRCGP, MPH, DCH

    I have worked as a GP partner at Eastfield Medical Practice since March 2003. After graduating from Dundee Medical School in 1991 I worked in Dundee, Edinburgh and Liverpool - predominantly within the specialty of child health - before travelling to Australia and New Zealand to work. I returned to Scotland after 18 months with an excellent souvenir – my husband. I have no particular areas of medical interest but believe that general practice should try to help patients as people and not just as a diagnosis and empower people to care for themselves as best they can to improve their overall health. I find it an endless struggle to manage my commitments as a mum with my commitments at work but am sure that my experience as a mum improves my abilities as a GP. I also thoroughly enjoy my role as a Trainer of GP trainees at Eastfield.


    MBChB (1999 Manchester) MRCGP, DRCOG

    I qualified as a GP in 2007 and since then I’ve largely worked at Eastfield Medical Practice. I graduated from Manchester medical school in 1999 and spent time working in the north of England prior to having a year in Australia. I then moved to Inverness and worked there for approximately 5 years. It was here I met my wife. We married in 2005 and have had two children together. My experience to date has been quite broad so I see myself as a generalist who is happy to deal with any problem, I do however have a particular interest in breathing difficulties. I also perform minor surgery and train younger doctors to become GP’s.


    MBChB (1995 Edin) MRCGP DFFP

    I am a GP Partner working 6 sessions per week. I have an interest in contraception and sexual health and offer counselling and fitting of implants and intrauterine devices (coils). I have a young family of 2 girls who keep me busy outside work and live in the Southside of Edinburgh. I am also able to offer joint injections.


GP Registrar Training

Fully qualified doctors with several years' hospital experience complete their training by working here as GP Registrars for six months to one year. We video-record some consultations for teaching, assessment and for postgraduate exam requirements. You do not have to have your consultation video-recorded if you do not want to. This will not affect your care in any way. We will always ask your written consent before and after a video consultation.




Medical Students

We teach medical students from the University of Edinburgh. We ask for your consent before a student is present in your consultation. If you prefer not to have a medical student present with your doctor, please say so. We understand and respect your feelings about this and it will not affect your treatment at all if you prefer not to see a medical student.

Other Health Professionals in Training

We sometimes have other health-professional students working with us. We will ask for your consent before we allow a student to be involved in your consultation. We understand that not everyone is happy to have a student present. Please say so, if this is how you feel.

Nurse Practitioners


    RNA BN (Hons) PN Dip FP Dip (currently undertaking MsC Advanced Nursing Practice)

    After graduating from the University of Edinburgh in 2007, I worked in various roles in Edinburgh including the Neonatal Unit, Acute Medicine of the Elderly and Hospice which was then overlapped by my Practice Nurse training at the Edinburgh University Health Centre. It was Jan Stuart (previous Eastfield PN) that inspired me to be a Practice Nurse – I did work experience here when I was a teen and I also remember doing house visits with Dr Haycock! Prior to Eastfield I worked for 8 years in a large practice in South Central Edinburgh. I am currently undertaking my Msc in Advanced Nursing Practice and have recently qualified as a Nurse Practitioner. My Nursing interests include family planning and sexual health, minor injuries and ailments and cancer care. I am a Penicuik born, proud nurse, NHS advocate and mum of two. I love all things vintage and you’ll usually spot me around Penicuik wearing something from the 1940’s/50’s. I pride myself in being a quirk with eclectic tastes varying from Harry Potter to Rock and Metal music! In my spare time you’ll likely find me cross stitching, Geocaching with my girls or burlesque dancing!




    I have been nursing since 1982. I received most of my training at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. After qualification, I undertook a variety of posts, including working for health promotions in Elgin and running a Hypertensive clinic in Aberdeen. I was employed as a District Nurse in Penicuik until accepting my role at Eastfield Medical Practice. I work in the treatment room at Eastfield Medical Practice every other morning and as a practice nurse every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. My special interests at work are ear syringing and dressings. I pride myself on making patients feel comfortable during uncomfortable procedures. At home, I am a mother of three and have two dogs. I enjoy hill walking, playing the piano and scrabble.

Healthcare Assistants




For general physiotherapy advice and to to discuss whether involvement of a physiotherapist is appropriate please contact the musculoskeletal helpline on 0845 604 0001 (Mon-Fri 2pm – 8pm). For a formal physiotherapy referral please see a GP routinely to discuss.

Practice Management













Community Midwives

The midwives provide care for pregnant women and hold clinics in the Practice on Thursdays by appointment. They can be contacted by phoning 01968 672612 and asking for the midwives. If you think you may be pregnant you can make an appointment with one of the GP’s who will refer you to the Lothian Health Board Maternity Services. Alternatively you can contact the Maternity services direct on 0131 536 2009 to arrange for ante-natal booking.

Community Nurses

The district nursing team are centrally located in Penicuik Health centre and can be contacted by phoning 01968 671535. The district nurse works in the community with the housebound and those unable, temporarily, to attend the surgery for nursing needs. The nurse will give help and advice on incontinence management.

Health Visitors

Tel No 0131 440 7832 answering machine available The Health Visitor is a trained nurse with experience in ante-natal care, parent craft, baby and childcare, and children with special needs. She works closely with other members of the practice team, undertaking the immunisation and developmental assessments of children under 5 years Her role is more involved in Health Promotion and education than nursing care. She can also help with child health issues, personal or family worries, breast/bottle feeding, weaning/eating problems, potty training/bedwetting, behavioural problems, sleep problems, accident prevention, post-natal depression, weight problems/healthy eating, child protection issues. Currently the health visiting team are centrally located in Roslin Medical Centre however patients will continue to be seen in their own locality.