Please remember that we are here to help you. Any violent or abusive behaviour to any of our staff will result in you being removed from our list and you will need to find an alternative GP surgery.
What we will do for you and what you can do to help us.
The Medical Practice
- You will be treated with courtesy, respect and confidentiality.
- Urgent problems will be seen the same day by whichever doctor is available.
- The practice will try to minimise the wait for routine appointments.
- We will ensure that the practice is fully accessible to the disabled.
- Whenever possible you will be seen by the doctor of your choice for routine appointments.
- You will be seen as near to your appointment time as possible.
- The practice will inform you of the services we provide, how to access them and information to help you be healthy.
- We will process repeat prescriptions within two working days.
- You have a responsibility to treat us with equal courtesy and respect.
- Only request an urgent/on-the-day appointment when you feel it medically necessary.
- If you cannot keep your appointment please let us know as soon as possible so that someone else may use it.
- Please try to be flexible in choosing appointment times so that you can see the doctor of your choice.
- Appointments are booked at 15 minute intervals
- The surgery has the best facilities and you get the best care if we can see you here.
- A prescription is not always helpful. Your pharmacist can give help and advice about medicines.