Configure Appointment Details

You do not need to have signed up to use this option.


You need to register with reception to use this option.

Non-urgent advice: To book an appointment, please call 01968 675576 between 08:30 and 18:00

We have 20-30 on the day appointments each day to discuss any urgent problems e.g. infections. These only become available on the day of the appointment and can be booked from 8.30am.

Our GP appointments are still being mainly triaged over the phone but we do have face-to-face appointments that you can book if you feel you need to be examined. If all these appointments have been taken please advise the reception team and the doctors will arrange this while you are on the phone.

The reception staff are there to help guide you to the right person. They do this by asking you the reason for your call and any other relevant information. The more information that you provide the easier it is for you to speak with the right person. We have a number of specialists working within  the practice who may be better placed to assist you. We have pharmacist, physiotherapy, link workers. Any information given is treated as strictly confidential.

If you have more than one concern/problem it is most helpful to tell the doctor or nurse at the beginning of your consultation. It may be necessary to ask that you make a further appointment(s) to deal with your other concern/problem(s).

We are a group practice and you may see any of the doctors. You may wish to see a particular doctor, and if so the receptionist will try to give an appointment with your chosen doctor. Due to appointment availability this may not always be possible.

Appointments are normally 15 minutes. If you think you will need longer please speak to reception staff. Please make a separate appointment for each member of your family.

Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Our Advanced Nurse Practitioner Sooz is trained to assess patients needs. She can do many things that a doctor can do, like diagnose, treat, prescribe, and arrange tests.

Community Treatment and Care Team (CTAC)

The CTAC nurses run clinics and provide general nursing services such as: blood tests, blood pressure checks, dressings, asthma and COPD care, heart care, support to stop smoking, removal of stitches and clips.

Immediate action required: Urgent treatment

In the event of a life threatening emergency call 999 for an ambulance.

If you need urgent medical advice when we are closed, please phone NHS24 on 111.

GP Extended Hours

Eastfield Medical Practice operates an evening surgery, for Pre Booked Telephone Appointments Only. They are available to book Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings between 6pm and 6.45.  These appointments are to help patients who work and cannot take phone calls through the day.

Non-NHS work will not be completed in these appointments such a medicals.

Non-urgent advice: Please call to cancel an appointment

If you need to cancel let us know so we can offer the time to someone else.  Your can call from 8am to cancel your appointment.

If you repeatedly fail to attend/cancel appointments at the last minute you may be asked to register with another practice.


Don't be late!

Please try to be on time for your appointment. If you are late you may have to rearrange ytour appointment.



If you need an interpreter, please let the reception staff know when phoning.


If you need help when we are closed

To access the out-of-hours service telephone NHS 24 on 111 where an experienced NHS 24 nurse will assess your symptoms and provide advice to help look after yourself at home.  If you need further assessment or treatment, either from a GP or at a local hospital, NHS 24’s nurse will arrange this for you with existing local services.


Call 999 in a medical or mental health emergency. This is when someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk.

Non-urgent advice: If you need help with your appointment

Please tell us:

  • If there’s a specific doctor, nurse or other health professional you would prefer to respond
  • If you would prefer to consult with the doctor or nurse by phone, face-to-face
  • If you need a chaperone
  • If you need an interpreter
  • If you have any other access or communication needs


Home Visits

If you are housebound or too ill to visit the practice you can ask for a home visit from the duty doctor. This is best done before 10:30.The doctor may phone you to discuss the reason for the visit prior to this.


Your GP will only visit you at home if they think that your medical condition requires it and will also decide how urgently a visit is needed.


If we can see you at the practice, we have the best facilities available to help you. We have disabled parking spaces, and you don't need a disabled badge to use these if you are unwell.

Non-urgent advice: Private Medical Examinations

Medical examinations for special purposes such as pre-employment, fitness to travel, elderly drivers, fitness to undertake sports etc., will require longer than a routine appointment.

These examinations do not form part of NHS Services, you will be charged for any such examination. Please check the fee chargeable page here before arranging any such examination. Please inform the receptionist when arranging such appointments.

View our private medical examination prices.

Non-urgent advice: Can you treat yourself?

Before you call us, please check the self-help guides at NHS Inform. They have clinical advice written and approved by the clinical team at NHS24.